By: ConsumerMojo
Interesting. Stories like these always engage viewers, readers, listeners and users on any platform.
View ArticleBy: MaggyHR
Basically, all kinds of news. Mostly good news, but this covers a wide spectrum. Anything stand out most among these nine categories, in terms of most engagement?
View ArticleBy: Eric Athas
In the study, Major Breaking News, Place Explainers and Crowd Pleasers performed best (in that order). But there weren’t any outlier categories.
View ArticleBy: Ben Ilfeld
That was a great round-up. For news orgs this is some great direction, but for local brands with a social media presence this is GOLD.
View ArticleBy: Caroline
This is helpful to have it broken down into categories like this. I’m wondering if we can break down international stories into components that particular US cities may be interested in as well… i.e....
View ArticleBy: NPRKate
Caroline, that’s actually one of our challenges. Though we have exceptions, as a general rule, we don’t have the same level of success (as measured by like) with the NPR Facebook audience and...
View ArticleBy: AndrewSpearin
One kind of posts that had the most engagement on our local community weekly’s FB page are photos from events with people tagged in them. Many festivals, concerts, fundraising events, etc, we covered...
View ArticleBy: Curious City
Thanks for this excellent article! We’ve been finding out the same thing at WBEZ on an anecdotal level and the project we’ve started ( is all about items 1) 2) and 3) on the chart....
View ArticleBy: Eric Athas
Curious City came up in conversations when we were going through some of these, especially the Place Explainer category. Would love to talk about your project and what you’re seeing.
View ArticleBy: Dave Bakker
Am I reading this right? You want to pick news stories by how many people ‘like’ and share the stories as opposed to what is important news? I’m saddened to hear this…
View ArticleBy: Caroline
At the Pulitzer Center, all of our stories are international… which means I think we tend to have lower clicks/likes/etc., although some types of stories and photos do tend to be shared more. It’s a...
View ArticleBy: DrKull
Interesting categorization. But does it go beyond simply: “man against man, man against nature, man against himself?” Methinks not. Still somewhat useful and certainly colorful.
View ArticleBy: Bob Britten
Great taxonomy – I’m excited to use this in my classes. A few questions: 1. Is publication (e.g., something cite-able) planned beyond the website? 2. You mention stories drawing likes, shares, and...
View ArticleBy: Eric Athas
Great question, Lisa. We haven’t defined this in any official way, but I can share a few anecdotal observations. 1. Headlines matter. I can’t stress this enough. A shareable local story with a weak...
View ArticleBy: Eric Athas
Hi Bob. 1. Nothing planned. 2. Crowd Pleasers and Feel-Good Smilers tend to get a lot of likes because of the positive reactions they get. Provocative Controversies and Place Explainers tend to get a...
View ArticleBy: JD Adam
Well, it looks like Corporate advertising money is paying off! I don’t know if I want to cry or laugh villainously?
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